Title: “A Tribute to Hart, Tagami and Powell”
Year: 2003
Medium: Ceramic / Hemp Rope
Description: Hanging Wall Sculpture
Dimensions: 63 x 18 x 3 in. (+/-)
Subject: Representational
Inspiration: Inspired by Japanese philosophy and aesthetics: Striving towards the ideals of
harmony and simplicity. All of the kashigata subjects are symbolic. Such as,
Camellia– Ideal love, modesty, simple beauty, admiration, perfection, gratitude,
nobility of reasoning; Open Book – In search of knowledge; Koi – Perseverance,
strength, courage and the ability to attain high goals; Kanji Tablet – The symbol for
the number forty-three appears in the middle of the tablet between the columns
indicating that it is an excerpt from a longer piece of literature; Tai (Sea Bream) Good
luck, good fortune.
Technique: High fired stoneware, slabs were hand pressed into antique Japanese carved wood
block ceremonial kashigata (confectionery molds), a rare wood block used for printing
kanji was used to make the impressions in the tablet, the slab sculpture of an open
book was hand shaped after the rice impressions were made from a flat wood block,
the bamboo hanger is extruded with additional hand built parts; stained with red iron
oxide and gas fired in a reduction atmosphere, assembled with hemp rope.
Colors: Brown, Earth Tones
Price: SOLD (new, commissioned work available) $3,500 for the wall sculpture pictured
above. Delivery and installation by the artist is recommended.
Exhibition: 2003 Hawaii Craftsmen’s 36th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition,
Honolulu Museum of Art School
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